EHS Compliance Services (EHSCSI) is a consulting firm that helps industrial enterprises protect workers, the environment, and corporate reputation from organizational risks through a suite of services that focus on regulatory compliance, and risk management and worker well-being. Our mission is to seamlessly integrate environmental, health and safety (EHS) excellence into daily business operations.

Psychological Health & Safety

5I Psychological Health and Safety® is a proprietary methodology developed by EHSCSI to assist organizations with decreasing the risk of psychological harm caused and exacerbated by the workplace, this methodology is based on the Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle upon which the ISO 14001 and ISO 45001 standards are based.

Our team of workplace health, safety, environmental, mental health and well-being experts work with organizations to:

  • Increase competence of the workforce
  • Identify hazards and risks of the workplace
  • Improve the risk profile
  • Integrates support that establishes a response ready workplace
  • Incorporate activities aligned with the dimensions of wellness

5I Psychological Health & Safety
Regulatory Compliance


Our Regulatory Compliance Analysis (RCA) includes a current-state questionnaire, site survey by one of our EHS experts and final report that details the Federal, state and local EHS regulations applicable to the facility along with recommendations for implementation. The RCA is the foundation of a comprehensive EHS Management System. It also serves to identify compliance driven training requirements from which Learning Management System (LMS) can derive.

We evaluate compliance with the following requirements:

  • Federal Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
  • Federal Occupational Health & Safety (OSHA)
  • State EPA
  • State OSHA
  • Department of Transportation (DOT)
  • Fire Code

EHS Auditing

We partner with business leaders to identify and mitigate EHS risks through onsite audits and risk assessments, corrective and preventative action plan creation, control measure implementation and employee training.

We'll work with you to:

  • Conduct onsite audits
  • Create corrective and preventative action plans
  • OHSAS 18001 Transition

EHS Auditing
ISO Implementation


We create and implement risk assessment programs to improve identification, prioritization and mitigation of operational risks that could result in fatalities, injuries or significant environmental impacts.

Here's what we do:

  • Partner with business leaders
  • Use industry standards adopted by the American Society of Safety Professionals (ASSP)
  • Use methodologies described in ANSI Z690.3

EHS Training Development & delivery

Businesses are required to provide environmental, health and safety training to their employees. Effective training is a foundational building block for a successful management system. EHSCSI experts begin with a Training Needs Analysis for companies which have yet to identify their organization's requirements. We then partner with each company to develop site specific training that can be delivered by our experts either onsite or through a variety of online platforms; alternatively, files can be provided for delivery by internal resources.

We Provide:

  • Training Needs Analyses
  • Site Specific Training
  • Onsite Delivery
  • Computer-Based and/or Learning Platform Delivery

Management System


Our team uses the ISO 14001 and ISO 45001 frameworks to create management systems that not only deliver compliance with regulations but also provide the framework to integrate EHS as a key business objective and drive continual improvement and sustainability. In the simplest terms a management system is the way an organization accomplishes its environmental, health and safety goals and objectives. It includes the inter-dependent business elements that allow organizations to identify, access, correct, control and improve the potential impacts operations have to the environment and the health and safety of employees.

We'll help with implementation of the following:

  • ISO 14001
  • ISO 45001
  • OHSAS 18001 Transition


We create and submit OSHA, EPA, DTSC and CalOSHA required reports for medical device companies, pharmaceutical manufacturing, biotechnology companies, and other manufacturing industries.

Report Examples:

  • Air Permit Reports
  • Annual Summary of Injury and Illnesses (OSHA Form 300A)
  • Hazardous Materials Business Plans (HMBP)
  • Tier II Reports
  • Toxic Release Inventory (TRI) Reports


EHS Programs creation & implementation

The EPA, OSHA, and management systems require businesses to have a number of written programs. We partner with business leaders to ensure the applicable programs are identified, written, and implemented throughout the facilities. Where feasible, our core objective is to seamlessly integrate EHS programs into existing business processes.

Popular Use Cases:

Health & Safety

  • Management System Program Plan
  • Key Metrics and Performance Indicators
  • Injury & Illness Prevention Program
  • Hazard Communications
  • Laboratory Chemical Hygiene Plan
  • Job Hazard Analyses
  • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Certifications
  • Control of Hazardous Energy (Lockout Tagout)


  • Management System Program Plan
  • Key Metrics and Performance Indicators
  • Hazardous Waste Management
  • Biomedical Waste Management
  • Wastewater Management
  • Air Emissions Tracking and Management


Our team partners with business leaders to create a comprehensive pandemic plan.

Here's what we do:

  • Risk assessment of employee exposure, facilities and workspaces
  • Implement & document controls based on the hierarchy of controls
  • Identify critical onsite functions and classify other workers
  • Document & develop re-occupancy & communication plan
  • Communicate RO plan to workers, contractors & visitors
  • Train workers to Covid-19 information their role & responsibilities


Pandemic Plan